Tuesday, 2 April 2013


I am home, finally. I've spent the last few days in Wales visiting my sister with my family, and the few days before that at USI Congress. I'm exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for a year. This was evident while we were in Wales- I stayed in, went to bed earlier than everyone else, slept later than everyone else. I am drained and I have three more conferences to do and four essays and not much time.

I've been living out of a suitcase recently. It feels odd that it was only a week ago I was travelling to Ballinasloe for USI; it feels like it was weeks ago. I'll write about that, once I regain some energy and reply to work emails and sort out washing, and all sorts of boring, menial things that you can't do while you're travelling. Most people reading this probably know what happened. Safe to say it was a horrible week. 

Maybe this is a little bit of a glimpse into what the next few years might be like, if I choose to run for election within NUS-USI or NUS. Living out of a suitcase and never being home and constantly trying not to fall asleep on trains. But I won't even get there if I don't put my head down and actually get some of my university work done- this term got off to a bad start but has improved significantly, so I need it to stay that way. I need to get this year done. 

So I'll write later, when I have the time. It's safe to say I need to rid my head of some thoughts.

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